3 week volunteer SLT supervisor role in Ghana: January 2018

Ghana ma wo Akwaaba! Ghana welcomes you!

The University of Ghana, School of Biomedical and Allied Health Sciences is one of a handful of African universities offering training in Speech and Language Therapy. The programme commenced in 2016, supported by a small local SLT faculty. It aims to dramatically increase rehabilitation services for people with communication and swallowing difficulties in the region.

The university is seeking three experienced Speech and Language Therapists with skills in clinical supervision of students in paediatric settings who may be willing to volunteer their time to assist with clinical education.

Volunteers would need to be available to commit for three weeks, from JANUARY 15 – 2 FEBRUARY 2018.

The position is voluntary and involves:
• Short term visit to Ghana (approximately 3 weeks) to work collaboratively with a nominated local speech and language therapist to offer clinical supervision in a community placement in Accra. Conditions are as follows:

  • All positions are voluntary (i.e. the University of Ghana cannot pay a salary)
  • Fixed funding is available to support living expenses while in country – basic guesthouse accommodation, local meals, ground transport, local calls etc.
  • Funding is available to reimburse a fixed amount for vaccinations, health/travel insurance and visa costs.
  • Funding for airfares is not available

A document containing more information is available here..

Personal Qualities:

We seek SLTs who are practical, enthusiastic, resilient, and flexible…. and who love a challenge. We are particularly interested in people who have experience working in cultures which are not their own.

If you have an interest in supporting development of speech and language therapy services for people with communication and swallowing disabilities in Ghana and feel that you may have relevant skills and qualities to offer, our team would be delighted to talk with you. Please send a brief summary of your experience and interests with a copy of your CV to publichealth.slt@gmail.com.

The University of Ghana, School of Biomedical and Allied Health Sciences gratefully acknowledges the support of the Australian Government’s Direct Aid Program (DAP). The DAP has provided grant funding to support living expenses of international volunteers to our programme.

Seminar 25th September: Understanding sexual and gender-based violence against refugees with communication disability, in Rwanda

Two of our committee members at CTI are presenting a seminar (originally advertised as taking place in June) on Understanding sexual and gender-based violence against refugees with communication disability in Rwanda.

Where: Room 3.20, Brooks Building, Birley Campus, Manchester Metropolitan University

When: from 4pm – 5pm

Book now:  https://dpresearchseminarjune17.eventbrite.co.uk

Abstract: This seminar will describe a small project carried out in Rwanda, investigating the challenges facing both refugee-survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) who have a communication disability and the humanitarian actors charged with effective and equitable SGBV service provision. Findings from data collection and a literature review*, indicate that refugees with communication disability are unable to access adequate services at all stages of the SGBV support process, from reporting of abuse, to legal redress and medical / psychosocial support, as a consequence of their disability. The presenters will also discuss some of new challenges they experienced working in the humanitarian sector.



Dr Julie Marshall

Julie Marshall is a Reader in Communication Disability and Development at MMU. She has 27 years’ experience of working in Africa, helping to design and develop speech and language therapy education programmes, carrying out research, building capacity for research, providing clinical services, and training other professionals.


Helen Barrett

Helen Barrett is a British Speech and Language Therapist and Social Inclusion Advisor, living and working in Rwanda. For the past nine years she has worked with governments, institutions and organisations throughout East Africa to support efforts to improve social outcomes for people with communication and / or learning disabilities. She is currently a part-time consultant, and part-time PhD student at MMU.