Other organisations

Global NGOs

Humanity and Inclusion

ADD International supports disability equality in Africa and Asia.

THET (Tropical Health and Education Trust) Partnerships for Global Health.

Professional organisations

OT Frontiers is a network of occupational therapists which is based in the UK and aims to support the development of occupational therapy overseas.

ADAPT is an international support group for physiotherapists in international health and development.

MAITS (Multi Agency International Training and Support) aims to facilitate development primarily by capacity-building amongst health and education professionals working in the disability sector in under-resourced countries.

Speech and Language Therapy specific organisations:

The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT)

International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics

CPLOL  Standing Liaison Committee of E.U. Speech and Language Therapists and Logopedists.

African Connections  Google Group is a community to link in with others working in Africa. Request to join through the link or if this does not work, request to be added directly.